Uniqueness of StrikeN
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StrikeN brings to the WEB3 world special features and additional systems that make the game more challenging, and even profitable for a very long time.
The advertisement system.
Skills (missile, defense, turbo)
Tracks in different specializations.
The advertisement system.
Players can watch ads in order to get rewards, the rewards that can be earned from watching ads are: Skills or Fuel.
All profits from the advertisements will be dedicated to:
Buying back sNFT and burning it.
Buy back $STRN.
The skills.
the skills can be purchased in the store for a price of
1 $STRN for two skills of the same type.
they can also be obtained by opening boxes.
There are 3 types of skills: Missile - travels in a straight line and hits the competitor's car.
Protection - Protects against missiles for 10 seconds.
Turbo - gives acceleration to the car for 10 seconds.
Different routes.
In order to create value for each NFT/sNFT, there are different routes.
Road track - would be good for a fast car.
Butch track - would be good for a jeep.
Sea track - would be good for a motorcycle.