Types of NFTs OR sNFT

Details on the NFT or sNFT assets.

The cars are divided into two types sNFT which can be traded exclusively within the platform of the game itself. and NFT which can be traded on other platforms such as Magic Edan.

The NFT cars are unique and with fixed data without the ability to improve or change. These cars will be given to players following participation in ALPHA, winning tournaments, and lotteries. These cars are rare and fast, and whoever owns them will be entitled to airdrops, And in addition 5% chances for a double reward in winning the competition.

The amount of NFT in this collection is 5000

Collection Name "StrikeN: OG Cars"

The sNFT cars:

The sNFT car is the first car that every player gets when he registers for the game. The car receives minimal parameters and cannot be sold or burned. You can create a new car by connecting parts obtained from boxes, and you can also burn two cars of the same generation and of the same type in order to get a better car of the same type.

There are several parameters that affect the quality of the car.

Speed ​​- affects the maximum speed.

Stability - affects the quality of the ride.

Acceleration - affects acceleration from 0 to 100

Each type of car has different parameters in which it excels.

For example(The minimum 300 points):

Last updated