Game Systems
Detail of all game systems.
In StrikeN there are several additional systems beyond the gameplay, these systems are designed to keep the game in a situation where there is a greater demand than the supply, beyond that additional systems that will make the player play frequently (and even addictive).
Below is an explanation of the systems:
The fuel system is the power that drives the player.
Each race entry costs players fuel.
There are several ways in which fuel can be obtained:
Be the owner of a car (sNFT) - each car gives the player 1 fuel per hour, when the player has 2 cars he will receive 2 fuel every hour, maximum accumulation per hour is 30 fuel, for 30 cars the player will receive 30 liters of fuel, for 60 cars the player will receive 30 liters of fuel. Maximum accumulation in this mechanism is 240 liters of fuel.
30 (max)
150 (max)
30 (max)
150 (max)
Watch ADS - watching ads can earn the player fuel as a reward for watching.
Purchase from NFT owners "StrikeN: Gas Station" - gas station owners can sell for $STRN gas to players.
A spin on the wheel of fortune - can give a player extra fuel.
Each car gives the player the ability to accumulate 6 fuel in the tank with a maximum accumulation of 150 fuel.
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